Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm going to die. This was for my 'artist's books' class at school. I really should have added more layers, you can't see the bartender or the passed out woman at the table. Oh well. I guess you can't see the depth produced by the bellows on the side. Its classified as a tunnel book. I wish it was classified, TOP SECRET.


Fossil on a Paper said...

hahahaha this is your tunnl book!

katie heath said...

is that texture tape?? is that stain...sweet berry wine? gargoyles and gargals, im loving it evan. can you take a picture with the accordion effect going on so i can make sure that santa clause isnt at the very end of this reading my very personal christmas letter aloud at the bar?

Joseph Garvin said...

that looks awesome enough for me to want to see in person--------------

Post No Bills said...
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Andro said...

i make sketchbooks too. we should trade or sumpin.